Figure of the Day RSS

Stratos Leo (India)
The Leo Stratos came in 2 accessory variants. Red Harness + Blue wings like this one, and Blue Harness + Red wings. Common characteristics to tell apart a Leo Stratos are: Inscription in the back says "Mattel Ino. 1981". Yes...
Pre-Reedition Webstor Top Toys (Argentina)
There are 5-6 different pre re-edition webstors, but this black belt is my favorite. What is a Pre Re-Edition? Its a Top Toys (Argentina) figure that was released with a mix of both common TT smaller mold parts and bigger...
Kobra Khan Kamuflado Top Toys (Argentina)
The most iconic of all the Top Toys figures, the Kobra Khan Camuflado is unique in that it was only fabricated in Argentina. The story is that the factory had an excess of Kobra Khan inventory, and so they decided...
Man-at-Arms France
Mattel France Released 4 different Man-at-Arms (Le Maître D'Armes) for their “Les Maitres De L'Univers” line. The first wave were the French 8-Backs. Known as "Trapeze" due to the Trapezoid shape of the box behind the figure name. Two variants...
Fisto Spain
In Spain, Mattel Spain (for their Masters del Universo line) released 2 different Fistos. Both Fistos were made with painted chrome highlights (rather than molded chrome) and had purple boots, belt and armor. Minor differences exist between each figure such...
Ram Man Rotoplast (Venezuela)
Ram Man Rotoplast (Venezuela)   -- While similar in colors generally to a standard Ram Man, the Rotoplast really stands out for its golden cuffs! Here are a few ways to identify a Venezuela Ram Man...
Prince Adam Aurimat (Mexico)
In Mexico, Aurimat (for their Los amos del Universo line) released 2 editions of prince adam. Some minor mold and color differences exist between the two, but what stands out is the big belt buckle on the 2nd edition. This...
Tung Lashor Estrela (Brazil)
Released in the third and final wave in Brazil, Tung Lashor (Lança Língua) is one of the most elusive Estrela figures. Only 2 figures were released in the final wave, Tung Lashor and Orko, and Tung Lashor is the only...