Mini-Comic Checklist
I've identified 23 english-only comics printed in Malaysia. I'm still working on identifying the Multi-language titles printed in Malaysia, but I've identified only 10 so far.
- Battle in the Clouds
- Between a Rock and a Hard Place!
- Double-Edged Sword
- Energy Zoids
- Enter ... Buzz-Saw Hordak!
- He-Man and the Insect People
- Hordak - The Ruthless Leader's Revenge!
- King of the Snake Men
- Revenge of the Snake Men!
- Rock People to the Rescue!
- Siege of Avion
- Skeletor's Dragon
- Spikor Strikes
- The Hordes of Hordak
- The Menace of Multi-Bot!
- The Obelisk
- The Search for Keldor
- The Secret Liquid of Life!
- The Stench of Evil!
- The Temple of Darkness!
- The Terror Claws Strike!
- The Treachery of Modulok!
- The Warrior Machine!
I've identified 30 english-only comics printed in Taiwan. I'm still working on identifying the Multi-language titles printed in Taiwan. I know of only 8 at this point.
- Battle in the Clouds
- Double-Edged Sword
- Dragon's Gift
- Eye of the Storm
- Grizzlor: The Legend Comes Alive!
- He-Man and the Insect People
- He-Man Meets Ram-Man!
- King of Castle Grayskull
- King of the Snake Men
- Leech - The Master of Power Suction Unleashed!
- Mantenna and the Menace of the Evil Horde!
- Masks of Power
- Revenge of the Snake Men!
- Siege of Avion
- Slave City!
- Snake Attack!
- Spikor Strikes
- The Battle of Roboto
- The Clash of Arms
- The Fastest Draw in the Universe!
- The Flying Fists of Power!
- The Magic Stealer!
- The Ordeal of Man-E-Faces!
- The Power of ... Point Dread!
- The Search for Keldor
- The Tale of Teela!
- The Temple of Darkness!
- The Treachery of Modulok!
- The Warrior Machine!
- The Vengeance of Skeletor!
I've identified 24 english-only comics printed in Hong Kong.I'm still working on identifying the Multi-language titles printed in Hong Kong, but I've identified 11 so far.
- Dragon's Gift
- Enter ... Buzz-Saw Hordak!
- Eye of the Storm
- He-Man and the Insect People
- He-Man Meets Ram-Man!
- King of the Snake Men
- Leech - The Master of Power Suction Unleashed!
- Mantenna and the Menace of the Evil Horde!
- Masks of Power
- Revenge of the Snake Men!
- Skeletor's Dragon
- Slave City!
- Snake Attack!
- Spikor Strikes
- The Battle of Roboto
- The Clash of Arms
- The Fastest Draw in the Universe!
- The Flying Fists of Power!
- The Search for Keldor
- The Secret Liquid of Life!
- The Temple of Darkness!
- The Terror Claws Strike!
- The Ultimate Battleground!
- The Warrior Machine!
I've identified 22 english-only comics printed in the USA. I'm still working on identifying the Multi-language titles printed in the USA, but I've identified only 6 titles so far. 2 USA comics (The Magic Stealer and Cosmic Key) have variants that have beveled corners! Based on MOCs that have been found, I believe those 2 comic variants came with the Mabamex He-Man on an 8-Back Taiwan (overstock) card.
- Battle in the Clouds
- Dragon's Gift
- Escape From the Slime Pit!
- Eye of the Storm
- Grizzlor: The Legend Comes Alive!
- He-Man and the Power Sword
- Hordak - The Ruthless Leader's Revenge!
- King of Castle Grayskull
- Leech - The Master of Power Suction Unleashed!
- Mantenna and the Menace of the Evil Horde!
- Masks of Power
- Rock People to the Rescue!
- Skeletor's Dragon
- The Cosmic Key
- The Fastest Draw in the Universe!
- The Magic Stealer!
- The Menace of Trap Jaw!
- The Powers of Grayskull: The Legend Begins!
- The Terror of Tri-Klops!
- The Treachery of Modulok!
- The Ultimate Battleground!
- The Vengeance of Skeletor!
Read more about USA Mini-Comics and see high res cover art here »
I've been able to identify 2 English only comics printed in Mexico (for the USA Market). I'm still working on identifying the Multi-language titles printed in Mexico, but I've only identified 1 title so far.
- The Cosmic Key
- The Powers of Grayskull: The Legend Begins!
A total of 17 different mini-comic titles were printed in Mexico for the Mexico market. They are in spanish, and the cover logo says "Los Amos del Universo".
- El Terror de Triklops (The Terror of Tri-klops!)
- El Choque de las Armas (The Clash of Arms)
- He-man y la espada poderosa (He-man and the power sword)
- El Rey del Castillo Grayskull (King of Castle Grayskull)
- He-man Conoce a Ram-man (He-Man meets Ram-Man)
- Mascaras del Poder (Masks of Power)
- El Ladron Magico (The Magic Stealer)
- La Amenaza de Trap Jaw (The Menace of Trap Jaw!)
- La Venganza de Skeletor (The Vengeance of Skeletor)
- Ciudad Esclava (Slave city)
- El Asalto de Alvion (Siege of Avion)
- El Dragon de Skeletor (Skeletor's Dragon)
- El Templo de las Tinieblas (The Temple of Darkness)
- El Obelisco (The obelisk)
- La Batalla en las Nubes (Battle in the Clouds)
- El Liquido de la Vida (The Secret Liquid of Life)
- El Regalo del Dragon (Dragon's Gift)
Read more about Aurimat Comics and see high res cover art here »

17 comics were produced in Argentina for Masters of the Universe. While these comics don't differ considerably from their American release counterparts, they are in spanish and tend to have a characteristic back cover with He-Man artwork. Oddly, they say "Printed in Taiwan", yet were printed in Argentina. Most of the comics have the month and date printed, so its common to find the same title with different months and sometimes different years stamped.
Three titles were exclusively printed during the final "Reedition" time frame and as such as rarer. Those include the titles "Ciudad Esclava", "El Obelisco" and "El Terror de Triklops". Additionally, four mini-comic titles have both a white bottom border, and a non border variant. Those would be "La Espada de Doble Filo", "El Templo de la Oscuridad!", "Choque de Armas" and "La Mascara del Poder".
- Choque de Armas
- Ciudad Esclava (Reedi)
- El Encuentro de He-Man con Ram-Man
- El Ladron Magico
- El Obelisco (Reedi)
- El Rey del Castillo Grayskull
- El Suplicio de Man-e-faces
- El Templo de la Oscuridad!
- El Terror de Triklops (Reedi)
- He-man y el Pueblo de los Insectos
- He-Man y la Espada Poderosa
- Hordak, y su Venganza Cruel!
- La Amenaza de Trap-Jaw!
- La Batalla en las Nubes
- La Espada de Doble Filo
- La Mascara del Poder
- La Venganza de Skeletor
Read more about Top Toys Comics and see high res cover art here »
Venezuela printed a total of 12 mini-comic titles, with one notable variant. "He-Man y la Espada del Poder" has 2 versions, the first having a "yellow box" title and the second with the title overlaid on the cover.
- El Choque de las Armas
- He-Man y La Espada del Poder
- El Rey del Castillo Grayskull
- La Batalla en las Nubes
- El Terror de Tri-Klops
- La Espada de Doble Filo
- He-Man y Skeletor en el Templo de las Tinieblas!
- El Ladron Magico
- El Asalto de Avion
- El Obelisco
- El Liquido Secreto de la Vida
- El Encuentro de He-Man con Ram-Man
Read more about Rotoplast Comics and see high res cover art here »
A total of 19 comics were produced in Brazil for Masters of the Universe, all in Portuguese. Estrela comics are the most unique of all the mini-comics produced in that not only where the comics "re-drawn", they also produced comic titles that were only released in Brazil. They are perhaps the rarest of all the mini-comics produced.
- He-Man contra as Forças do Mal
- O Templo das Trevas (Temple of Darkness)
- O Poder da Cúpula mortal (Point Dread)
- He-Man encontra Aríete (Ram Man)
- urge um Heró!... Multifaces (Man-e-Faces)
- Abelhão e o Obelisco (The Obelisk)
- Kobra Khan - Sabor de Veneno (Kobra Khan)
- Tríclope, Amigo ou Inimigo? (Triklops)
- Mandíbula e o Ataque ao Palácia (Trap Jaw)
- A Cidade Escravizada (Slave City)
- A pirâmide do Infinito (Orko)
- O Demónio do Pântano (Tung Lashor)
- O Grande Tesouro (Beastman on cover)
- Merman
- Zodac
- Evil-Lyn (Maligna)
- Man-at-Arms (Clash of Arms)
- Stratos (avion)
- Teela (dragon's gift)
Read more about Estrela Comics and see high res cover art here »
I've identified 12 different titles printed in France. I'm unclear if there are more. From this list, 6 are solely in French and have a black and white spread on the last few pages, 2 are solely in English, and the rest are multi-language.
- Clash of Arms / Le Choc Des Armes (Duo Language)
- Mantenna (Duo Language)
- Sansor Se Dechaine / Leech (Duo Language)
- Dragon's Gift (English Only)
- Temple of Darkness (English Only)
- The Clash of Arms (English, German, French, Italian)
- Skeletor's Dragon (Italian, German)
- He-Man and the Power Sword (French only with coloring pages)
- Le don du Dragon (French only with coloring pages)
- Les Masques du Pouvoir (French only with coloring pages)
- Secret Liquid of Life (French only with coloring pages)
- Vengeance of Skeletor (French only with coloring pages)
I've yet to confirm if King of Castle Grayskull was printed in France as well.
Spain produced a total of 14 different comic titles, plus 3 mini-comic catalogs that were included on cardbacks. The first 2 titles were produced with both Congost logo, and a number (1 or 2) to cover up the Congost logo. The comics were in spanish, with one title (El Poder de la Torre de Vigilancia) having a Portuguese variant.
- He-Man y la Espada del Poder (Both a Congost and No.1 Variant)
- He-Man y la Venganza de Skeletor (Both a Congost and No.2 Variant)
- Catalog 1 - Movie Cover
- Catalog 2 - Battle Armor He-Man Cover
- Catalog 3 - TC Skelly on cover
- Comienza la Leyenda
- El Circulo de la Muerte
- El Obelisco
- El Poder de la Torre de Vigilancia (Both Spanish and a Portuguese variant)
- El Poder del ... Boleador
- El Rey de los Hombres Serpientes
- Guerreros Cometa al Rescate
- Hordak - La Venganza
- Hordak Torpedor Ataca!
- La Venganza de los Hombres Serpientes
- Las Aventuras de Man-e-Faces
- Las Hordas de Hordak
Read more about Spain Comics and see high res cover art here »
Italy printed a total of 11 different mini-comic titles. 7 of those comics came with figures, playsets (Eternia, Slime Pit) and the dinosaurs. The remaining four comics (Battle in the Clouds, He-Man and the Power Sword, King of Castle Grayskull, The Vengeance of Skeletor!) were only for promotional / special purposes. Those 4 promotional* comics are significantly rarer.
Special thanks to Travis Wallace for contributing this fantastic info!
- Battle in the Clouds*
- Escape from the Slime Pit (Slime Pit)
- He-Man and the Power Sword*
- King of Castle Grayskull*
- Revenge of the Snake Men! (Blast Attak)
- Skeletor's Dragon (Battle Armor He-Man)
- The Cosmic Key (Blade, Gwildor, Saurod)
- The Powers of Grayskull: The Legend Begins! (All 3x Dinos)
- The Search for Keldor (Mosquitor, Ninjor, Scare Glow, Sorceress)
- The Ultimate Battleground! (Eternia)
- The Vengeance of Skeletor!*
Scanditoy produced a total of 20 comics, that were then translated / printed in Swedish, German, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish.
Sweden had all 20 comics, while Norway had 8 (#1-#8), Finland 2 (#1-2), Denmark 3 (#1-3) and Germany had 4 (#1-4) comics. The comics were released in the same order and roughly at the same time, translated in the different languages. The first four comics (No. 1 - 4) were oversized. No. 3 and No. 4 are completely original stories and very rare.
Special thanks to Ken Kacal for contributing this fantastic info.
- No. 1 - King of Grayskull
- No. 2 - Battle in the Clouds
- No. 3 - The Struggle for the Power Sword (Original Story)
- No. 4 - The Doppelganger (Original Story)
- No. 5 - Temple of Darkness
- No. 6 - Slave City
- No. 7 -He-Man and the Insect People
- No. 8 - Clash of Arms
- No. 9 - Battle of Roboto
- No. 10 - The Stench of Evil!
- No. 11 - Spikor Strikes
- No. 12 - Hordak - The Ruthless Leader's Revenge!
- No. 13 - King of the Snake Men
- No. 14 - Eye of the Storm
- No. 15 - Rock People to the Rescue!
- No. 16 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place!
- No. 17 - Revenge of the Snake Men!
- No. 18 - The Cosmic Key
- No. 19 - The Search for Keldor
- No. 20 - Energy Zoids
Leo comics are similar to American Releases. They are written in English, have the same artwork, and most share the same cross-sell art back cover. Where they differ is in the newsprint-like paper, and most of them have both a "price" on the cover as well as a reference code in the back cover. I've identified a total of 42 different titles, not counting variants (some titles have variant cover art. Others have versions that both have and don't have pricing on the cover, etc... )
- Between a Rock and a Hard Place
- Double-Edged Sword
- Dragon's Gift
- Energy Zoids
- Escape From the Slime Pit!
- Eye of the Storm
- Grizzlor the Legend Comes Alive!
- He-Man and the Insect People
- Hordak - The Ruthless Leader's Revenge
- King of the Snake Men
- Leech: The Master of Power Suction Unleashed
- Mantenna and the Menace of the Evil Horde!
- Masks of Power
- Revenge of the Snake Men
- Rock People to the Rescue!
- Siege of Avion
- Skeletor's Dragon
- Slave City
- Snake Attack
- Spikor Strikes
- The Battle of Roboto
- The Clash of Arms
- The Fastest Draw in the Universe
- The Flying Fists of Power
- The Hordes of Hordak
- The Magic Stealer
- The Menace of Multi-bot
- The Menace of Trap Jaw!
- The Obelisk
- The Ordeal of Man-e-Faces
- The Power of Point Dread
- The Powers of Grayskull: The Legend Begins!
- The Search for Keldor
- The Secret Liquid of Life
- The Stench of Evil
- The Tale of Teela
- The Temple of Darkness!
- The Terror Claws Strike
- The Terror of Triklops
- The Treachery of Modulok
- The Ultimate Battleground!
- The Warrior Machine
Read more about Leo India Comics and see high res cover art here »
I've yet to confirm if any of the following were printed: Battle in the Clouds, Enter ... Buzz-Saw Hordak!, He-Man and the Power Sword, He-Man Meets Ram-Man!, King of Castle Grayskull, The Cosmic Key or The Vengeance of Skeletor!.
Special thanks to the many people that contributed pictures of their comic collection as I put this leo comic list together, including: Ken Kacal, Pho Do, Moturoby, and Sid Ghosh.
There were many blisters specifically released for the Canadian Market. The mini-comics for this market were generally double sided, with French on one side, and English on the other. Whats very interesting is that all these comics were printed either in Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mexico or USA. I'm only aware of 1 comic that was printed in Canada.
- Escape from the Slime Pit!