Figure of the Day RSS

Leo India Orko Coins
These coins stand out not only for their matte sticker but primarily for the blocked-off COO and translucent blue plastic. Interestingly, Leo India also seems to have produced Hong Kong-marked coins, a fact that aligns with the Leo Orko figure...
Kobra Khan (Leo India)
SUMMARY:Kobra Khan, the “evil master of snakes,” was produced in Taiwan, Mexico (Aurimat), Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, India, and France. Equipped with the ability to control his prey with his “evil hypnotic mist”, he can spray water stored in his...
Man-at-Arms (Leo India)
Man-at-Arms, the “master of weapons” was produced in Taiwan, Mexico (Aurimat), Venezuela, Argentina, Spain, India, Brazil, Malaysia, Hong Kong and France.The INDIA figure can be identified by its hard plastic & vibrant blue head, mid-red shorts with smooth texture and...
He-Man (Leo India) Weapons 🇮🇳
The Leo India He-Man was produced over the span of 10+ years. MOC He-Man Leos can be found marked anywhere from 1987 (earlier examples, with the Blowplast and Leo INDIA logo), to as late as 1999 (NA Cards). Due to...
LEO INDIA || Skeletor Skin Tone Variations
LEO INDIA Skeletor Skin Tone Variations -- I often get asked how many Leo Skeletor variants exist. This is a complex question that has been the source of much debate amongst variant collectors for years. Not only did Leo Skeletor...
Leo Teela (India)
Teela LEO INDIA -- India produced two beautiful Teela variants. The first variant has skin tones that are pale, muted gold highlights, purplish hair and boots, and nipples molded into the breasts. That is interesting, in that the original Mattel...
Spikor White Trident Leo (India)
The Leo White Trident Spikor is characterized by dark bluish purple tones, semi-translucent head and chest spikes (with varying degrees of decoloration), pink half-paint boots, and most noticeable of all, a Trident molded in white! This particular Spikor was released...
Man-e-Faces Leo (India)
The Leo Man-e-Faces is characterized by darker blue tones, pink highlights in both the knob and cheeks (robot and human face), and in most cases, variable degrees of color shifting. The figure is marked ©MATTEL INC. 1982 INDIA behind the...
Mer-Man Leo (India)
In India, Leo Toys released a Mer-Man that comes in 2 different head consistencies. A hard plastic head, and the hard rubber head (Pictured here).The rubber head in this case is molded in black, then painted a dark green. You...
Fisto Leo (India)
One of my favorite Leo Variants, Fisto in India was released with red hair, a dark broadsword, and 2 different short colors (Red + Brown). The dark purple boots have mid paint, and the shorts have the very characteristic LEO...
Stratos Leo (India)
The Leo Stratos came in 2 accessory variants. Red Harness + Blue wings like this one, and Blue Harness + Red wings. Common characteristics to tell apart a Leo Stratos are: Inscription in the back says "Mattel Ino. 1981". Yes...