Fisto (France)

Fisto (France)

In, France, 7 figures were released that have a leg band mechanism that is completely different than other countries. The leg band is “integrated” into the leg, and is a color that matches the boot paint (Purple leg bands for Fisto). The boot is a softer material, different than the leg itself. Some of these 7 figures had both soft boot and regular boot variants (such as Jitsu or He-Man). Others, such as Fisto, only had a soft boot variant.
The French Fisto is marked © MATTEL INC 1983 on the back with a COO mark that is erased. The Armor is also marked © MATTEL INC 1983, and it comes with 2 different sword variants. The first is a standard, fairly rigid broadsword marked FRANCE, and the second and much rarer variant is the Purple Katana (Jitsu mold). The Katana has no COO, and just has numbers.
Other characteristics of the French Fisto include huge biceps (check out the pic in the diagram compared to a HK), a unique light silver fist mold that I’ve only seen with Spain Fistos, Dark Silver (very fragile) Armor, and a particular tan body color only seen with France figures.
The France Fisto with Katana has not been without controversy. Many doubt it ever came with a Katana, but at this point it’s been found in enough collections, as well as an AD found featuring the France Fisto with Katana that I can safely assume its correct.

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