Kobra Khan Leo India (Front View)

Kobra Khan Leo India (Front View)

Kobra Khan Leo India (Back View)

Kobra Khan Leo India (Back View)

Kobra Khan Leo India (COO Closeup)

Kobra Khan Leo India (COO Closeup)

Kobra Khan Leo India Blaster

Kobra Khan Leo India Blaster

Kobra Khan Leo India Color Shifting

Kobra Khan Leo India Color Shifting

Kobra Khan Blasters of the World

Kobra Khan Blasters of the World

Kobra Khan


Kobra Khan, the “evil master of snakes,” was produced in Taiwan, Mexico (Aurimat), Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, India, and France. Equipped with the ability to control his prey with his “evil hypnotic mist,” he can spray water stored in his chest chamber by pressing down on his head.

The INDIA Kobra Khan features dark green tones, a blue inner water chamber, and scratched-off Taiwan markings. 

The figure is marked  © Mattel Inc. 1983 (TAIWAN ERASED) and comes with a semi-translucent, dark orange pistol marked with a single-digit number and COO scratched off the barrel. 

The figure is found in many shades of green, principally because its color shifts with age and weathering. 

1. Dark green tones
2. Blue inner chamber
3. Scratched off Taiwan marking
4. Semi-translucent pistol marked with a single digit number and scratched off COO

© Mattel Inc. 1983 (TAIWAN ERASED)
(Taiwan Erased) and a single digit number such as a 3 or 4

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