Aurimat Evil-Lyn || Painted back belt (Front View)

Aurimat Evil-Lyn || Painted back belt (Front View)

Aurimat Evil-Lyn || Painted back belt (Back View)

Aurimat Evil-Lyn || Painted back belt (Back View)

Aurimat Evil-Lyn (COO Closeup)

Aurimat Evil-Lyn (COO Closeup)

Aurimat Evil-Lyn || Unpainted back belt (Front View)

Aurimat Evil-Lyn || Unpainted back belt (Front View)

Aurimat Evil-Lyn || Unpainted back belt (Back View)

Aurimat Evil-Lyn || Unpainted back belt (Back View)



Evil-Lyn, the “evil warrior goddess,” was produced in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mexico (Aurimat), Argentina (Top Toys), Venezuela (Rotoplast), Brazil (Estrela), Spain, and India (Leo). Evil-Lyn has a spring-loaded waist that swings back with a power punch and a crystal ball staff.

The Aurimat Evil-Lyn features pale blue highlight hues, filled-in breastplates, a translucent head, a short belt, and a back helmet with a not fully painted ridge. The figure was released in the first year of the Los Amos del Universo production (1984) and is marked © M.I. 1981 1982 behind the head.

The torso paint is similar to the rarer short belt Taiwan Evil-Lyn, with a few key differences. The paint is applied more finely, with each detail in the stomach painted individually somewhat haphazardly in Taiwan. The breastplate is also filled in. 

The celeste-colored staff is unmarked and does not glow in the dark. The mold is particular in that it is not beveled at the bottom. Only the Spain and the Aurimat staff are not beveled at the bottom. 

There are two paint variations of this figure. One has a fully painted belt in the back of the shorts, and the second has the belt unpainted in the back.

FIGURE MARKED© M.I. 1981 1982

1. Pale blue highlight hues
2. Filled in breastplates
3. Short belt
4. Translucent head
4. Non-beveled bottom of staff. 

1. Unpainted belt in the back of the shorts.
2. Painted belt in the back of the shorts.

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