Update Log
Updated (Again) the Top Toys Section of the Mini-Comic Checklist
I expanded the description of the Top Toys Mini-Comics.
Updated the Top Toys Section of the Mini-Comic Checklist
Reformatted the Update Log
I changed the way the update log work to allow for hyperlinks and and a cleaner, easier to see layout.
New Intro to Variants Article added!
James Reid has written an amazing article on Motu Vintage variants, and its chock-full of his collection pics!
Improved the leg band tutorial
I improved the leg band tutorial by adding images and laying it out in a more intuitive way. Check it out by clicking "Tutorial: Leg Band Repair" in the link at the top of the website.
Added a Leg Band Tutorial to the Site
I added a video and written tutorial on repairing the leg bands on your motu figures. You can find them in the top navigation of the site (Tutorial: Leg Band Repair).
Added Interior links for better navigation and user experience
I added interior links through out page content to make it easier to navigate the site. For example, if you visit the figure checklist page you will see there's links to all the various featured figure of the day figures.
Taiwan "The Vengeance of Skeletor!" Added
Thanks to Ken Kacal for updating me on the Taiwan "The Vengeance of Skeletor!". Mini comic list updated to reflect that (Sunburst, no Free) comic exists.
Scanditoy Comic List Updated
I've updated the Scanditoy list of mini-comics to include the titles of all 20 comics, as well as identified which comics were translated in Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Danish, and German.
Italy Mini-Comic List Updated
I've updated the Italy Mini-Comic checklist to include all 11 comics produced, as well as added more info such as what figures they came in.
Update LOG Added to the site
As this site is updated frequently, I've added a log where you can track the (public) updates that are added to the site. You can track new features and updates to existing content here.